网络时代,诈骗案件层出不穷。据不完全统计, 2023年全美上报的诈骗案件总额超过120亿美元。识破诈骗,从学会识别欺诈信号开始。明州国际中文学校受亨内平县县政府支持,隆重推出社区教育讲座系列
第一讲 12/7 10-11 AM
第二讲 12/21 10AM-Noon Webinar(Microsoft Teams), 请报名注册。
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Meeting ID: 245 038 497 275
Passcode: 3wY27tm6
Identify the common patterns that fraudsters use to victimize people. Understand what is a real vs fake URL. Learn ways to verify the legitimacy of emails and phone calls.
Learn how to use free online tools that protect your digital safety and prevent identity theft. Develop an online awareness that minimizes your likelihood to be victimized by data breaches.
Session One: 12/7 10-11 AM
Session Two: 12/21 10AM – Noon Webinar
Steven Zeng
Mr. Zeng serves as a senior technology leader in a tech startup company. He is a certified Enterprise Information Security specialist and has more than 20 years experience in information security and data privacy domain.
Stephen Li
Serving as a program manager at the University of Minnesota, Stephen boasts a unique blend of business and technical expertise and holds a strong interest in cybersecurity.