NLP APP Design 实用人工智能

Hours 时间 :

Junior Class 初级班:星期六 Saturdays   9:15am – 11:00am
Senior Class 高级班:星期天  Sundays   9:15am – 11:00am

Do you know what is NLP?  Do you own a Google home mini or Alexa? This class is designed for high school students who are interested in gaming, programming and App designs in real life. We will you how to use Google Dialog Flow, Microsoft or RASA. Class will demo real applications and inspire students to unlimited possibilities. By the end of semester, every student is required to develop a real app on mobiles to show off!

人工智能和自然语言处理是现在炙手可热的技术,这个课程专门让高中生逐步了解并掌握这项技术。课程使用现在非常流行的Google Home Mini作为实验平台,给学生讲解演示如果使用Google Dialog Flow,Microsoft,以及开源平台。通过学习, 在期末完成自己的APP设计!

执教老师 Instructors: Senior IT programmers with many years of experience in Minnesota. 明州从业多年高级IT工程师,包括:

  • Jun Wang 王军
  • Donglin Liang 梁东林
  • Lihe Chen 陈立和
  • Shaomeng Zhang 张少蒙 

